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Property Tax

Tax professionals navigate the complexities of property taxes to help achieve savings.

Taxes on tangible personal property represent a significant portion of a business’s state and local tax obligation.

Navigating the various tax rules and filing requirements associated with personal property tax across multiple state and local taxing jurisdictions can be overwhelming and cause a heavy administrative burden for businesses. Asset classifications and depreciation schedules are not always consistent and can change depending on the state, adding to the confusion.

All in all, the complexity of personal property tax often results in taxpayers over reporting and overpaying their tax liabilities.

Wipfli can help. Our seasoned property tax professionals bring a deep understanding of tangible personal property tax and have developed a comprehensive process to help you manage your tax obligation, minimize your tax liability with common-sense reporting and take advantage of statutory exemptions.

By developing a custom solution for your business, we help relieve any burden on your internal resources. We offer the following specialized services:

  • Fixed asset classifications
  • Exemptions review
  • Ghost asset identification
  • Proper valuation

Contact us to learn more or get started.

SALT opportunity analysis
Start saving on your state and local taxes
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Property assessment review solution sheet
Are you paying too much in property taxes?
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Property assessment review
Our team can answer your property assessment questions.
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