Maximizing tax strategies and incentives.
Confidently approach the complexities of an ever-shifting tax environment with a team of proven experts. Teams develop proactive tax strategies, minimizing risk, increasing cash flow and finding opportunities to save money.
Manufacturing tax specialists, skilled in a wide array of tax services, integrate compliance and proactive planning with strategic advice to maximize tax savings.
Teams view effective tax planning as a year-round process. Experts continually monitor developments in the tax area and proactively advise clients of the implications. With a robust manufacturing tax services team, encompassing diverse, specialized expertise, clients have access to resources on various tax issues whenever they are needed.
The manufacturing tax services team specializes in tax issues directly related to manufacturing including:
- Selection of optimal accounting methods
- Selection of beneficial inventory methods
- Minimizing the impact of the complex uniform capitalization adjustments
- Managing state and local tax exposure and risk
- Maximizing the use of research and development tax credits
- Obtaining tax and cash flow benefits with cost segregation studies
- Maximizing the domestic production activities deduction
- Maximizing the use of other special credits and incentives
- Navigating international taxation
- Tax implications of foreign activities and presence
- Tax-efficient structuring and restructuring of new ventures, operations, or the expansion of existing operations
Our team
Gregory G. Butler, CPA
Specializing in multistate taxation and incentives, Greg is the leader of Wipfli's State and Local Tax Practice. He has over 25 years of experience in providing tax compliance and consulting services to closely held companies.