Head Start/Early Head Start regulations boot camp
5/6/2025 12:30 PM - 5/8/2025 04:00 PM (CT)
Why you should attend
Head Start (HS) and Early Head Start (EHS) are some of the largest federally funded programs. The Head Start Act and the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) contain pages and pages of guidelines that programs must follow to stay in compliance. The goal is to help you get comfortable with those guidelines.
Based on decades of feedback, we built this online boot camp to blend regulations, best practices and action planning with the opportunity to ask your questions.
Participants declare Wipfli training to be “empowering,” “outstanding,” “meaningful,” “invaluable” and “relevant.”
Who should attend
If you’re new, if you’ve been around a while and want a refresher, if you’re program oriented or if you’re fiscal oriented — this session is for you. There will be something for everyone.
- Leaders interested in learning how to apply compliance with current regulations while still meeting the mission
- Those new to leadership in the agency who are now responsible for financial and/or program compliance
- Teams, including the CEO/executive director, fiscal team, program teams, policy council and board/tribal council members
Registration fee
Regular rate: $975 per person
Wipfli accepts AmEx, Discover, Visa and Mastercard.
Registration fees include:
- Up to 10.5 CPE credits in accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. CPE credits are granted based on a 50-minute hour.
- A training workbook.
- Reference materials (any PowerPoint presentations and/or additional references) available for download.
- Refreshment breaks.
Transfers and cancellations
- Registered attendees who are unable to attend may be eligible to transfer or cancel their registration. All transfer or cancellation requests must be emailed before the start of your event.
- Service and cancellation fees may apply.
- Registered attendees who did not attend the event or complete a request to transfer or cancel within the allotted time, are responsible for the full registration fee.
- If Wipfli reschedules or cancels the event, you will be notified via email, at which time you will be given the option to transfer to another training or receive a refund.
- For more information including deadlines and fees, view the full policy here. For questions or concerns, please call 888 876 4992 or email trainings@wipfli.com with the subject line: “Registration Transfer” or “Cancellation.”
Daily schedule
Tuesday, May 6, 2025 12:30-4 p.m. CT |
Wednesday, May 7, 2025 12:30-4 p.m. CT |
Thursday, May 8, 2025 12:30-4 p.m. CT |
Training overview
10.5-hour virtual Head Start boot camp
Advanced preparation: None
Level: Basic
Prerequisite: None
Field of study: Specialized Knowledge
CPE: 10.5 credits
When you are implementing regulations, there are many things to consider, including how decisions will impact your program. In this boot camp, we’ll explore the Head Start Act and give you time to learn where to find information and dig into the details once you’re back at the office. And since the Head Start Act goes hand in hand with the HSPPS, we’ll also explore the highlights of the HSPPS (45 CFR Parts 1301-1305). And though this is not a two-day Uniform Guidance (UG) training, we’ll certainly highlight some of the UG regulations (45 CFR Part 75) in the areas of allowable costs and procurement.
The goal is to help you get comfortable with the guidelines that HS/EHS programs need to follow to stay in compliance. We’ll pay special attention to the areas of:
- Definitions (they sometimes differ depending on the regulation)
- Administrative requirements (administrative limitations, spending of federal funds and nonfederal match aka in-kind)
- Power and functions (governing body, policy council, policy committees and administrative reports)
- Eligibility, recruitment, selection, enrollment and attendance (ERSEA)
- Program requirements (health, nutrition, parent involvement, ratios, safety etc.)
- Records (what to keep, how to keep them and for how long)
- Qualifications and wages (background checks and minimum staff requirements)
From running the program to working with the board/tribal council and policy council to collaborating with the fiscal department, this boot camp will help you discover action items to take back to your program to help you get up to speed and make an impact.
Learning objectives:
- Explore how the Head Start Act and the HSPPS impact each other and your program.
- Discuss how working with each department enhances the overall impact of the program.
- Take away ideas, thoughts and best practices of ongoing leadership with these requirements.
Be prepared
You’ll receive an email invitation to download our app, as well as reminders one day and one hour prior to the training. Materials will be available one hour before the training until one day after the training.
Certificate of participation and CPE credit
- Each registered person attending the live webinar is eligible to receive a certificate of participation/continuing professional education (CPE) credit.
- To receive a certificate of participation/CPE credit, participants must answer the interactive polling questions presented throughout the webinar; participants will have approximately 30 seconds to respond to the questions.
- This session is eligible for 10.5 credits. There are three polling questions per 1 CPE credit and two polling questions for 0.5 CPE credit. To receive full credit, participants must answer all 33 polling questions.
- Upon receipt, the information will be verified and, if accepted, you will receive a certificate of participation via email within 14 business days of the webinar presentation.
Please note:
- Registration is on a per-person basis.
- Certificate of participation/CPE credit is only awarded to the registered name associated with the link used to log in.
- You must use your personalized link to access the training to ensure that you qualify for a certificate of participation/CPE credit.
- Our team will be monitoring the active attendee list throughout the training event. If a registrant is on the list more than once, the additional logins will be removed.
National Registry of CPE Sponsors: Wipfli LLP is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: NASBAregistry.org.
Instructional delivery: Group, internet-based. For more information regarding administrative policies, such as complaint, cancellation and refund policies, please contact our offices at 888 876 4992.