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Partners and associates

Matt Falkner Spokane

201 W. North River Drive
Spokane, WA 99201



Email: mfalkner@wipfli.com

Matthew Falkner

Senior Manager

Matt Falkner is a senior manager in Wipfli’s Spokane office. He provides high-quality service to healthcare organizations, including hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, foundations, and other health-related, not-for-profit organizations. Matt’s primary focus is on providing reimbursement and operational assistance, including preparation of Medicare and Medicaid cost reports and optimization of reimbursement, to healthcare clients of all sizes. He also has significant experience in conducting financial statement audits for healthcare organizations. Matt’s clients range in size from small, rural healthcare facilities to large organizations with annual net patient service revenue in excess of $100 million.

Professional Memberships and Activities

  • Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), Northern California Chapter - Member
  • HFMA, Washington-Alaska Chapter - Member


Business consulting services

Areas of Focus

  • Financial statement audits and reviews for health care and nonprofit clients
  • Medicare and Medicaid cost report preparation and review
  • Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement optimization
  • IRS Form 990 preparation and review
  • OSHPD Annual Financial Disclosure Report
  • FQHC/RHC reconciliation request




Eastern Washington University
  • Bachelor degree in accounting and finance