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Ministry Door County Medical Center

Uncovering revenue opportunities


Ministry Door County Medical Center (MDCMC) wanted to ensure its chargemaster was current with Medicare and CPT rules and code changes. Wipfli validated the medical center’s billing processes and found new opportunities to optimize its revenue cycle.

The Challenge

MDCMC hadn’t externally validated its charging protocols in about five years — a period marked by staff turnover and changes to Medicare and CPT rules and codes. MDCMC called on Wipfli to assess the accuracy and consistency of its billing workflows.

The Solution

Wipfli analyzed the chargemaster and reviewed encounter data from the medical center’s home health, skilled nursing and rehabilitation specialties. The firm also interviewed the chargemaster coordinator and conducted on-site visits with clinicians and administrators.

It helps to have another set of eyes look at things once in a while. Wipfli uncovered several valuable opportunities.
Brian Stephens, Chief Financial Officer at Ministry Door County Medical Center

The results

Wipfli’s comprehensive review uncovered no major faults or discrepancies — validating that the medical center was managing its chargemaster appropriately. Still, Wipfli’s work identified several revenue opportunities related to its recovery rooms, tiered room-and-board billing and transfusions. With Wipfli’s guidance, MDCMC updated its chargemaster and prioritized opportunities to improve the revenue cycle.