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Predictive Index workshops

Low productivity, high turnover, poor performance, mismanagement, low engagement — these are all major issues within organizations. But you can address them all by applying the Predictive Index (PI) human capital management methodology in your organization.

Your first step is to familiarize yourself with that methodology, alongside PI’s tools and resources.

That’s where Wipfli’s PI workshop comes in. We offer our virtual workshop in one-day and two-day formats, meaning you can attend just the first day to gain basic familiarity with PI, or you can stay for both days to gain hands-on practice.

Day 1: Inspire people to perform

The first day of our workshop provides you with a basic familiarity of the PI behavioral instrument, as well as time to explore how to use that understanding to improve the management and performance of your employees.

By attending this virtual workshop, you will:

  • Understand your own drives, needs and behaviors, as well as how they influence your workplace style.
  • Understand differences among colleagues and learn how to interact more effectively.
  • Gain insight into the drives, needs and behaviors of your team members using an at-a-glance team summary.
  • Learn how to use a manager’s scorecard, which highlights gaps in management techniques that may inhibit employee performance.
  • Create a detailed personal action plan.

Day 2: Drive results with talent

The second day of our virtual workshop provides you with hands-on practice with the PI tools, including case studies, sample job assessments, individual and group exercises, and action plans. 

By attending, you will:

  • Learn how to use the PI tools and workforce assessment software.
  • Practice interpreting PI profiles.
  • Create a strategy to identify the behavioral requirements of the roles on your team.
  • Identify management strategies that address individual needs to help each team member become more engaged and productive in the workplace.
  • Identify how your organization can use the insights provided by PI to address key business challenges.

Participants must complete both days of training to be certified as a Predictive Index trained analyst. The price for the one-day workshop is $1,400 and the price for the two-day workshop is $2,400.

Upcoming workshops

Month Date Enrollment type Program format
15 – 16
Open enrollment
20 – 21
Open enrollment
24 – 25
Open enrollment