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What Is the Value of My Company, and Why Do I Need to Know?

Wipfli Insights Team
Jun 14, 2018

This webinar was recorded on June 14, 2018. Click on the Download buttons to watch the recording and view the presentation slides.

“I’m not planning on selling my business anytime soon, so I don’t need to know what it’s worth, right?”


For many manufacturing owners, your business is often a large portion of your retirement plan. However, many owners don’t know the value of their business or may have an unrealistic idea of the value of their business.

For closely held businesses not traded on the stock exchange, a valuation is needed to truly understand how much cash you can net from a potential sale. In addition, the value of your business will have a significant impact on many aspects for you personally and for the business. Hence, there are many more reasons why it is important to know what your business is worth.

This webinar will provide insight into the importance of knowing what your business is worth, reasons why a business valuation is needed, and information on why using a qualified individual to arrive at that value is essential.

Webinar highlights:

  • Market trends and the need for transition planning services
  • Reasons why a business valuation is needed
  • Different valuation options and which options would fit each purpose
  • Overview of different levels of value: equity, enterprise value, asset value
  • Taxes and their impact on the amount of cash a business owner would net from a transaction
  • Why a business valuation is not just about applying a multiple
  • What to look for in an appraiser and why using numbers you get from online websites won’t likely result in a reasonable value


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