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Webinar: How growth in managed care impacts senior services providers

Tara Cohn
Sep 19, 2023

As Medicare Advantage enrollment continues to outpace traditional fee-for-service coverage, senior living providers face new challenges in providing high-quality care while grappling with reduced reimbursement rates.

In our webinar, panelists Susie Mix (founder and CEO of Mix Solutions Inc.), Tara Cohn (director at Wipfli) and Tiffany Karlin (principal at Wipfli), examined the implications of this trend for senior services.

They shared practical insights and proposed viable solutions to empower providers in the face of an evolving managed care enrollment landscape. They also covered how data transparency can be the catalyst for positive change and effective negotiations in securing fair reimbursement rates with managed care.

Topics discussed included:

  • Understanding the surge: Why Medicare Advantage enrollment is surpassing Medicare fee-for-service and the impact on reimbursement
  • The data transparency gap: Expanding on the barriers skilled nursing facilities face in accessing transparent data for comprehensive cost-of-care analysis, diagnosis code-specific cost breakdowns and real-time data transparency in case management and decision-making
  • Elevating the role of data transparency: Recognizing data transparency as a key tool in negotiating favorable rates with Medicare Advantage

Download this on-demand webinar to discover how your organization can successfully navigate these new enrollment trends.


Tara Cohn
Data analytics and modernization

Tiffany Karlin


Susie Mix

Mix Solutions Inc.

Susie Mix, BS, MBA, NHA, is the founder and CEO of Mix Solutions Inc. Susie Mix has over 20 years of experience in the post-acute care industry. She has firsthand experience running facilities and holds the long-term care mission close to heart. Her experience working in the field coupled with her time spent at a health plan provides a unique blend of knowledge that helps her provide solutions for each client. Susie has been doing managed care consulting with facilities since 2009. She can be reached at susie@mixsolutionsinc.net.


Tara Cohn
Director, Data Analytics and Modernization
Tiffany Karlin


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