Flexible, customized solutions to satisfy regulatory requirements and support trust and fiduciary internal audit programs.
Have you recently formed a trust company or division, or begun offering trust services to your customers? You’re required to have a third party perform an independent audit of your trust operations.
The Wipfli trust and fiduciary team can help. We’ve built out thorough examination procedures based on our extensive industry knowledge, with the goal of helping you meet regulators’ expectations. Work with our team to proactively develop best practices and risk management strategies.
Our professionals provide independence and objectivity and offer flexible delivery options. Trust and fiduciary services include:
- Fiduciary activity risk assessments
- Risk-based audit planning
- Customizable trust department examinations
- Ongoing consultation outside an engagement
Our team
Carrie Connell, CPA
Carrie has over 15 years of experience in assisting clients with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 compliance for accelerated filers and smaller reporting companies, FDICIA compliance, and operational and financial internal audits. She helps both public and private financial institutions ready themselves for and comply with SOX/404 and FDICIA reporting requirements and provides ongoing consultative advice to clients to continuously improve their programs.